Waste management: national program 2022-2028
The Program is updated every six years, without prejudice to the possibility of anticipating its revision following regulatory, organizational and technological changes in the national and supranational scenario. The document sets the macro-objectives, defines the criteria and strategic lines that the Regions and Autonomous Provinces follow in the preparation of regional waste management plans. A recent technical table of the MITE also highlighted the following strategic flows to be analyzed for the elaboration of the Program:
- residual urban waste from separate collection
- waste from municipal waste treatment
- waste resulting from treatments:
- of the dry fractions from separate collection
- of organic fractions
- Organic waste
- waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
- inert construction and demolition waste
- textile waste
- plastic waste
- waste containing asbestos
- end-of-life vehicles
- medical waste with infectious risk
- urban waste water purification sludge.