A change in everyday behavior related to household chores is important in reducing excessive water consumption. Unfortunately, people are still not sufficiently aware of the importance of preserving water resources, which is why we do not conserve water enough. An important step towards the sustainable use of water resources is a change in people’s behavior. The supply of drinking water for future generations depends in particular on how we treat water today.
Saving tips
- We take the car to a car wash, because they use less water there than if we washed the car at home.
- When buying a new toilet bowl, choose one with a double flush, which can use up to a third less water.
- Take a shower rather than a bath, and turn off the water while showering and brushing your teeth. Let’s use the nozzles on the faucet to add air to the water.
- Check that our faucets and water kettles are not leaking, as tens of liters of water per day can be lost in this way.
- Water the garden in the morning or evening and use rainwater for watering.
- Never throw waste into the environment or pour it on the ground, which is especially true for toxic and dangerous substances. However, waste does not belong in the sewage system.
- You can show concern for water resources already in your garden or field, by judiciously using plant nutrients and the least environmentally dangerous means against pests.
- Collect rainwater to water the garden. A garden reduces daily food costs because you can grow your own vegetables that are local and always on hand. When deciding to plant a garden, try gardening without chemicals(PRIMAVODA, 2015).
One of the most basic conditions is the provision of adequate cleaning facilities. Wastewater treatment facilities are treatment plants whose task is to clean water to the extent that it is suitable for discharge into the environment. Wastewater treated in this way contributes an important share to a sustainable economy, as it helps the environment to maintain the natural cycle of renewal of water and other resources (, 2019).